Ethical and Social Values

Honesty (Integrity)

Our actions define who we are as a company. We strive to earn through the quality of our products and the dedication of our employees, not through inappropriate methods. By competing on the basis of the quality of our products and services, we uphold our reputation.

Commitment and Solidarity

The mutual connection of our employees to each other in feelings, thoughts and common interests will ultimately support the widespread development of solidarity and the increase of their loyalty to the workplace. The more employees in an enterprise are connected to the enterprise, the stronger the image of the enterprise in the sector will be.


Being aware that reliability can be achieved over a long period of time but can be lost very quickly, our principle of integrity helps us maintain our reliability, preserve our strong reputation, and enhance our past growth and performance.


Respect should not be transformed into value, but respect for the human being. When this happens, there will be real listening, understanding, empathy, trust, and people will really understand each other” is one of our prominent principles that we base our relationships on all our working lives.

Environmental Awareness

KOMSA defines environmental awareness as a respectful attitude to the living space that people share with other living things, plants and nature and works accordingly.

Social Responsibility Awareness

Believing that working for the benefit of society, without prioritizing or promoting one’s own interests, contributes to the enhancement of community welfare, strengthens social solidarity, creates a better living environment for future generations, fosters the development of conscious and empathetic individuals, and brings numerous other benefits, KOMSA will continue to support various projects aimed at achieving these goals.


Privacy entails an individual’s or a group’s ability to control and selectively disclose information about themselves, requiring them to be mindful when expressing themselves. KOMSA has adopted prioritizing sensitivity in this regard as one of its fundamental principles, both towards its employees and the organizations it works with, in all circumstances.


KOMSA is committed to the principle of equal treatment, founded on the awareness that discrimination and differential treatment based on factors such as race, religion, language, gender, political beliefs, or philosophical convictions shall not occur in the employer-employee relationship. It remains dedicated to maintaining its identity as a workplace that operates with this awareness and responsibility.